Industry Issues
Are you still playing the ‘quantity’ game?
Pushing high volumes of unqualified, unmotivated, uneducated prospective patients to your site or office only moves your bottleneck to the front desk/site coordinator.
Pushing high volumes of unqualified, unmotivated, uneducated prospective patients to your site or office only moves your bottleneck to the front desk/site coordinator.

The ‘traditional’ patient recruitment model is broken
The ‘traditional’ patient recruitment model is broken

Prospective patients are overwhelmed with healthcare/medical information and are trying to define their own pathway

“Traditional” recruitment solutions push unqualified, uneducated and low-intent prospective patient volume

This approach creates pressure on sites &/or offices and results in poor patient experience for your study or brand
How recruitment problems turn into impacts

Not all patients are created equal
Patient Problem
Low-Intent Patients
Patients mined from EHRs or referred by their PCP may qualify for your study, treatment or device but may not have the level of intent required
Patient Problem
Low-Intent Patients
Patients mined from EHRs or referred by their PCP may qualify for your study, treatment or device but may not have the level of intent required
Your Issue
Patient Dropout
When patients are disengaged, this can cause higher dropout rates or scheduling issues , resulting in higher patient recruitment costs & efforts
Dazed and confused
Patient Problem
Patient Confusion
When patients aren’t fully qualified, educated or efficiently navigated to solutions this creates a poor experience and adds confusion and stress
Patient Problem
Patient Confusion
When patients aren’t fully qualified, educated or efficiently navigated to solutions this creates a poor experience and adds confusion and stress
Your Issue
Recruitment & Site Issues
Unqualified, uneducated and uninformed patients in your funnel mean high recruitment volume and bottlenecks at your sites or offices

Where is the love?
Patient Problem
Lost & Forgotten
Patients who get lost or forgotten in your pathway due to site/office issues or lack of contact may not re-engage or may require significant follow-up
Patient Problem
Lost & Forgotten
Patients who get lost or forgotten in your pathway due to site/office issues or lack of contact may not re-engage or may require significant follow-up
Your Issue
Missed Milestones
Delays in patients moving through your pathway, due to lack of oversight, can result in missed milestone dates and risk revenue flow

Ready to get started?
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.
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